Christmas Club Member Get Together

The festive season draws close and the time has arrived to consider what to do to organise a pre-Christmas get together for members and families.

In past years we have held a BBQ lunch at the field which to me seems eminently sensible so I propose that this year we do the same.  However if you have other ideas then now is the time to voice them.

What is proposed:

  • The club will organise and fund a BBQ lunch for members and guests on Sunday 16th December starting around 11:30.
  • Members are encouraged to bring along a plate of treats to enhance the product from the BBQ where practical.
  • The club committee organise a Door Prize to be drawn during the lunch.

SO!…….. if you want to do this differently, speak up by adding a comment to this post. Your silence will be deemed your approval of the proposed event.

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